21/2/2022 Can you fix a bunion?According to estimates, bunions affect between 10 and 23% of the population – and women suffer more often than men. There are many factors which predispose you to this unwanted deviation of the toes. The most common are: an inherited family tendency; wearing high heels; and either a very high arched foot or a very flat one.
The clinical name your podiatrist uses for bunions is Hallux Abducto Valgus. In Latin this describes, the big toe (hallux) deviates away from (abducto) and valgus - the slight rotation seen in the toe as it drifts away from its anchoring ligaments. Never mind the linguistics, I hear you say – what matters is can you fix it? The unfortunate truth is that a bunion can only be “fixed” back in place by a surgeon. But there is lots your podiatrist can do to help make it more comfortable to live with this annoying condition. Firstly, we can advise on cushioning and padding products – bunion guards, sleeves and socks work well for some, but not all. Hammer toes often accompany a bunion, and we can advise you on how best to look after these comfortably too. Most importantly we can help you to find bunion-friendly footwear; often the key to living with pain-free bunions. This doesn’t always have to mean frumpy wide fit shoes – although a good pair of properly fitted walking boots and trainers with a flexible upper should be in every bunion sufferers' shoe closet. Many people learn to love their bunions in sparkly strappy sandals and arch support flip flops with a cushioned sole - although easier in the summer, I grant you. UK based specialist companies such as Sole Bliss and Calla Shoes offer a fantastic range of glamorous shoes and boots which have been specially adapted to accommodate those knobbly big toe joints and whilst at the luxury end of the market, pain-free walking may well be worth the price. Finally, the secret weapon in our fight against the bunion is a pair of functional orthotics. These inserts fit into your shoes and are tailored to your own individual foot shape and bunion problem by means of a biomechanical assessment and a 3D scan. The right design of orthotic can help the big toe joint move less painfully and easily, can cushion the painful corns which form under the foot as a result of the bunion and support the arch to lessen the aching of overworked foot muscles. The best part ? They can be worn in a range of shoes. So why not talk to us first, before exploring the surgical option. Call us on 01529 701415 or book a new patient appointment online. Comments are closed.
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